31 Aug データ分析による産業用IoTのナビゲート
We're exploring the role of artificial intelligence in smart buildings through the lens of energy efficiency, sustainability, and occupant comfort...
We're exploring the role of artificial intelligence in smart buildings through the lens of energy efficiency, sustainability, and occupant comfort...
We're exploring the role of artificial intelligence in smart buildings through the lens of energy efficiency, sustainability, and occupant comfort...
We're exploring the role of artificial intelligence in smart buildings through the lens of energy efficiency, sustainability, and occupant comfort...
Explore how Digital Twin, a virtual representation, maximises IoT potential, transforms industries, and drives energy efficiency and sustainability in our informative blog...
Learn how digital buildings can transform the built environment, and in doing so, revolutionise our future ...
スマートビルディング向けの大手IoTソリューションプロバイダーであるSoftdelは、同社のEdificeEdge IoTゲートウェイプラットフォームが、第7回IoT Breakthroughアワードの「エンタープライズIoT管理イノベーションアワード」の受賞者に選ばれたことを発表しました。プログラムを実施した大手マーケットインテリジェンス組織であるIoT Breakthroughは、4000を超えるグローバルノミネートからSoftdelのEdificeEdgeを選びました。...
Take a closer look at what IoT device security entails, and explore several methods to protect connected devices and systems ...
Learn why predictive maintenance is the best strategy for HVAC systems in the backdrop of Industry 4.0 ...
We're discussing how IoT gateways contribute to building a smarter, more efficient built environment, and where Softdel’s EdificeEdge fits in this ecosystem ...
explaining ‘why’ and ‘how’ smart buildings benefit from smart lighting systems ...