Author: admin

BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) is the latest game-changer in the building automation space. Join our webinar to learn the science behind the secured building. This webinar will cover a LIVE demo that shall highlight key features and benefits of BACnet/SC. We will focus on critical concepts of...

スマートビルディング向けIoTソリューションのリーディングカンパニーであるSoftdelは、ビルをよりスマートに、そしてコネクテッドにするエンタープライズ・インテグレーション&IoTプラットフォームのリーディングカンパニーであるSoftware AGと戦略的パートナーシップを締結しました。...

BACnet training designed for product and quality assurance engineers, design engineers, lab technicians, field service technicians and other professionals. We’re offering online training that will cover everything from the fundamentals of the BACnet protocol to advanced application-specific use cases....

A unique opportunity to meet with the leaders and innovators from the IoT community. A networking platform to discuss trends, technologies, challenges, solutions and innovations in the IoT space that spans across various industry segments from Buildings, Lighting to Industrial and Manufacturing...

Softdel BACnet explorer has been helping smart building solution providers, to get an overview of entire BACnet network in better understanding the network complexity and performing various configurations for the devices. It provides the comprehensive ability to auto-discover the BACnet devices, objects…...

Softdel, along with its partner Intel, hosted its first IoT Conference on February 27, 2019 in Tokyo. The conference brought our OEM customers and partners together, to discuss and learn about technologies, latest trends and disruptions impacting the building and industrial automation space. In a...